
Invoices encapsulate time, expenses and services that are billed to a client.

Invoices are lists of time, expenses and other services that are billed to a client. An invoice can be emailed to a client as PDF, including attachments related to expenses and other related services.

Creating an Invoice

An invoice can be created by selecting the invoices item in the menu and then pushing “ Create”.

A client must be selected for every invoice, along with which of their projects you’d like to include time and expenses from.

An invoice is first created with the status of “draft”, which allows you to make amendments before sending it to the client.


The “time” sections allows you to select which un-invoices items of logged time are included with this invoice. The “group time by” denotes how they will appear on the invoice. For example, selecting “Individually” will display each item of logged time as an individual row on the invoice, which may be undesirable if there are a large quantity of them.


The “expenses” sections allows you to select which un-invoices expenses are included with this invoice. The “group expenses by” denotes how they will appear on the invoice. For example, selecting “Individually” will display each expense as an individual row on the invoice, which may be undesirable if there are a large quantity of them.

Selecting the “Add expense attachments to invoice” checkbox will append any related expense attachments to the resulting email that is sent to the customer when sending the invoice.

Updating or Deleting an Invoice

An invoice can be updated or deleted by selecting the invoices item in the menu and then selecting the relevant item from the “edit” drop down menu.

Sending an Invoice

An invoice can be sent to the client first by tapping the “invoice id” on the invoices list, which will present to you invoice details page, and then tapping the “Send Invoice” button, which will allow you to select which contacts the invoice is sent to.

The invoice status is then changed to “SENT”.

Closing an Invoice

Once the client has paid the invoice, and the relevant payments have been added, the invoice status will be changed to “PAID”.

Should the client fail to pay the invoice, the invoice can be marked as a “write off” by selecting the “write off invoice” option from the dropdown menu on the payments section of the invoice details page.

Recording Expenses