
Clients represent an organisation or individual that work is carried out for.

In order to send invoices to a customer, a “Client” must be created to represent that customer. A customer can be allocated projects to group time and expenses when billing.

Creating a Client

A client can be created by tapping the clients item in the menu and then pushing “Create”.

A name must be provided for the client, and a preferred currency can be selected. The currency will be used when generating invoices for the client if it differs from the default account currency.

Updating or Deleting a Client

A client can be updated or deleted by tapping the clients item in the menu and then pushing “Update Client” or “Deleted Client” in the edit dropdown menu. When deleting a client, all associated projects will also be deleted.

Addresses and Contacts

A client can have multiple addresses, with one being considered their “invoice” address. Addresses can be added to a client by selecting the “Manage Addresses” item in the edit dropdown menu.

A client can also have multiple contacts. Contacts can be added to a client so that the invoice can be sent to the customer when billing. Contacts can be added to a client by selecting the “Manage Contacts” item in the edit dropdown menu.
